Pretty much everyone I know have been criticizing how stupid and useless the idea of an iPad is. They were all complaining about the design and whatnot, saying how lame would it be to have one, and that they will never ever purchase the new Apple product. I agree with them, I don't think I will ever buy an iPad because I don't need one. However, I think that once Apple starts selling these products in April, people who first find it stupid will start purchasing it. Similar to the iPod and iPhones, people who didn't like it at first ended up buying them. Even I, who used to own just an iPod and a cell phone, ended up having an iPhone and now I can't live without it.
We talked about the iPad in my social science class (Consumer Society in World History) as well, we came up with some interesting conclusion as to why people who criticize it will end up buying one. It has something to do with conspicuous consumption. iPad is brand new, it's high-class technology, and because of that, by using the product maybe in a coffee shop, the customer not only shows that he/she has the money to purchase the good, but also that they are up to date with technology. It also shows intelligence consumption, in which the user has the leisure time to spend and learn how to function this product. Most people who use iPhones and Blackberries are businessmen or those of middle-upper class. Knowing how to function these technological devices shows intelligence and wealth.
Apple almost seems like a cult – people look forward to new Apple products, every time Steve Jobs introduces something new, people go wooo and ahhhhhh, writing reviews and talking about having the latest product first hand. I believe that Apple succeeded this way because of their distinct unique style (which many other computer companies are starting to follow), and the whole company's service. It was not just about the design of the product, but the design of the service. iPods came as a package along with iTunes and iTunes gift cards. It revolutionized music purchasing. It's like if you have a MacBook, you should have the rest of the Apple family as well... iPhone, iPod, iTouch, iPad, iWhatever...