I re

member in class one day, Charles mentioned that there are the most number of females in graphic design than other design industries such as interior design, architecture, and industrial design. I think that it makes total sense. To me, graphic design projects are much smaller in scale than architecture or industrial design. It is on a flat surface, which
technically requires less consideration compared to 3D product design. Projects can be accomplished just on a small laptop, which is more accessible than models of architectural projects. Sometimes, it only requires one person to be involved in smaller graphic design projects, whereas with architecture, constant communication is a must between the architect, the designer, the engineer, the client etc. Design can be a one-person home-based business (women has always been associated with staying at home in history). Many design resources and blogs online are created by females such as swissmiss, Fuel Your Creativity, 6b Design. Our required book for Beginning Typography class '
Thinking with Type: A Critical Guide for Designers, Writers, Editors, & Students' is written by female designer Ellen Lupton.
Like many other industries, the graphic design industry is male-dominated. But because of the above factors, I think that the ratio of male and female graphic designers will change gradually. I mean, even in our graphic design department at school, there are much more female than male. I'm not saying that the gender ratio at school will be the same as the ratio in the real world, but who knows?